The 7 main advantages of using a heart rate monitor

The 7 main advantages of using a heart rate monitor
Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 31-08-2016

Is it really necessary to have a heart rate monitor for running, cycling or swimming? Let's be honest: the answer is no, but with nuances. And the benefits of wearing a heart rate monitor are so great that when you read this post you will be convinced of the usefulness of this powerful tool designed to train or compete.

Thanks to these sophisticated Heart Rate Monitors & Sports Watches you will have access to a series of parameters related to your physical condition that will allow you to progress faster and get more out of each of your training sessions. These are the 7 main advantages of using a heart rate monitor.

Monitor your heart rate at all times

In fact, this is the main purpose of a heart rate monitor. A sports watch of this type, capable of monitoring your heart rate is really useful to know in what physical condition you are. In addition, it is important to know your maximum heart rate, which varies from person to person and depends on different variables such as age, gender or physical condition. Thanks to the heart rate monitor, you will be able to optimize your performance in each of your training sessions and know the maximum number of pulsations you reach when you exercise without endangering your health.

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Find out the intensity zone you are training in

A heart rate monitor is an essential tool to determine the zone of effort or intensity in which you are when you perform a certain sporting activity. The advantage of knowing this parameter is that it allows you to dose efforts or move to another zone of greater demand depending on your specific physical condition. In this way, you will be able to know if you should increase or decrease the training load and progress at a faster rate.

Know the number of calories burned

If you are looking to lose weight, a heart rate monitor is the perfect ally for this, as it allows you to know quite accurately the number of calories you are burning while exercising. It is advisable that we previously indicate to the watch the type of sporting activity we are going to do, since the number of calories burned will be higher or lower depending on whether we run, ride a bike or swim.

Train better alone

The heart rate monitor is your best personal trainer when it comes to reaching your goals. You won't have to compete with rivals, except yourself. It often happens that we train either too little or too much. Thanks to this revolutionary invention you no longer have to worry about this, as all heart rate monitors incorporate a training intensity meter that varies according to your physical condition, helping you to achieve your goals alone.

Motivation bonus

Advantages of using a heart rate monitor

Those who have tried it know it well. A heart rate monitor gives you that extra motivation you often need when willpower and laziness make an appearance, especially if you are one of those who like to train alone.

Wearing a sports watch on your wrist means extra motivation and an eagerness to excel as you get to know the results and how fast you progress in each of your training sessions.

Reach your goals more quickly

Whether you want to lose weight or improve your aerobic or anaerobic capacity, with a heart rate monitor you will be able to reach your goals much faster than without it. This gadget will let you know the intensity with which you are exercising, so you can increase or decrease the workload with a quick glance at your wrist.

An investment that will quickly pay for itself

Although the price range of heart rate monitors is quite wide depending on the brand and model, we guarantee that with a sports watch you will perform like never before. Every time you go out to train you will know the amount of calories burned, the intensity of your exercise, the threshold of your training sessions. It's better than having a personal trainer, besides being more accurate and cheaper. You will see how quickly it will pay for itself.

Pictures: Polar and Garmin

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