8 reasons to fall in love with a runner

Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 30-07-2015

If there is one thing that cannot be disputed, it is that runners are usually people who lead a healthy lifestyle and who love to go running, sometimes at the crack of dawn, several days a week, including Saturdays and Sundays. In general, they are active, optimistic people with healthy lifestyle habits. They like to take care of their diet and try to rest 8 hours a day to be in good physical condition. Going for a run is for them a good dose of endorphins that gives them the energy they need every day.

For these and many other reasons that we explain below we encourage you to seduce or let yourself be seduced by one or one of these running enthusiasts. The multiple benefits that will provide you to be next to a passionate of this sport is not paid with money. Try it and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Your lifestyle will be healthier

If there is one thing that a runner follows to the letter, it is an eminently healthy lifestyle. They are usually people whose lifestyle habits include eating a healthy and balanced diet, getting enough sleep to be at their best the next day, and exercising regularly to stay in shape and feel good about themselves. If you want to change your lifestyle or make it improve to some extent, from here we recommend you to get close to a runner.

You'll show off your partner

A truism. You only need to take a look around you when you go out to the street to see that the vast majority of all those runners who go out morning, noon and night to run are usually in good shape and toned. No one is bitter for a sweet.

Hygiene is a must

Going out for a run is one of the highlights of your daily life and you will do it regardless of whether it is very hot, it is raining cats and dogs or whether there is mud where you step with every stride. Sweat is independent of weather conditions and accumulates in your body as the kilometers go by. That's why runners are some of the people who take the most care of their hygiene on a daily basis. A morning shower and another one after going for a run is a must. We are satisfied with the fact that you shower once a day.

Don't worry about gifts

If until now era a real headache to think about what to give your partner, you will no longer have this problem. A runner will be pleasantly pleased when he opens his birthday, anniversary or Christmas present and discovers a new pair of running shoes, a T-shirt or running shorts or a heart rate monitor to monitor his heart rate during training or competitions.

You might be interested in: 18 gift ideas for a runner dad.

You'll learn to save

Registrations for popular races and marathons are sometimes far from cheap. People who are fond of running long to participate in this type of mass events and will do everything possible to run them. This requires a financial outlay and for that it is necessary to go saving like an ant. By their side , you will learn to stretch your money like never before.

You will eat in a healthy and balanced way

Forget about the junk food you ate before meeting him. From now on you will learn to eat in a healthier and more balanced way. Burgers and pizzas will be a thing of the past. In this new stage you will start to enjoy eating salads, fruits and vegetables from time to time. Your body and your health will be grateful for a richer and more varied diet.

You will argue much less

There is nothing better and healthier, from a psychological point of view, than having a runner as a partner. If the atmosphere is heated, encourage him or her to go for a run. By the time he comes back you will see how much more relaxed he is and he will have practically forgotten all about it. For them, going for a run is the closest thing to an endorphin rush, capable of keeping them docile for the rest of the day.

You can go shopping together

Under the pretext of running, going shopping together will now be easier. It doesn't matter which of you is the runner. If it's her, you'll be able to browse all those electronics and gadget stores you're so excited about while she checks out the latest Running shoes. If it's him who enjoys running, you can go shopping and browse the latest fashion trends.

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