Runnea and Nationale-Nederlanden join forces to promote running as a healthy lifestyle habit

Runnea and Nationale-Nederlanden join forces to promote running as a healthy lifestyle habit
Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 03-10-2019

We keep the pace in this long-distance race, and after the vacations it's time for announcements and important news by and for our community of runneantes: Runnea Awards 2019, Runnea Summit 2019, and now collaboration agreement with Nationale-Nederlanden, the sponsor of the most massive popular races in Spain (San Silvestre Vallecana and Nocturna del Guadalquivir). An agreement that fills us with pride and satisfaction, because the focus is on running as the ideal vehicle to achieve healthier lifestyles. A premise that we proclaim from our website, and that we try to promote helping the athlete to find the best material, and also offering individualized training plans to achieve their sporting goals.

There is no doubt that running has become one of the most popular sports disciplines in our country in recent years. The data prove it, because the latestreport on the habits of Spanish runners, prepared by the NN Group, to which the financial institution Nationale-Nederlanden belongs, confirms it. In addition, 45% of Spanish runners have participated in some sporting event in the last twelve months and it is expected that up to 40% of them will take on a marathon in the future.

Personalized training system, in search of "Real Runners".

In order to help these sports enthusiasts prepare, Nationale-Nederlanden has chosen Runnea, the leading running community in Spain, as its sports partner. Through a collaboration agreement, the entities will provide users with a personalized training system, developed by Runnea Academy for Nationale-Nederlanden, aimed at runners looking to take a leap in quality and move on to enjoy individualized practice every week.

To make this possible, Nationale-Nederlanden's website will have a microsite where all kinds of content related to running and healthy lifestyle habits will be hosted. Our Runnea team will have enabled this space to launch different actions aimed at finding the so-called "Real Runners" throughout Spain: popular athletes with stories of overcoming, away from the usual spotlight.

Nationale-Nederlanden and Runnea commitment to running

The materialization of this agreement between Nationale-Nederlanden and Runnea only confirms, once again, the commitment of the Dutch company in Spain with the promotion of physical activities such as running, sports and healthy lifestyle habits in general.

In this line, Marije Scholma, Deputy General Manager and Employee Experience Manager (CHRO) of Nationale-Nederlanden Spain, said that "we are very happy to be able to announce this new agreement with Runnea. Thanks to this partnership, Nationale-Nederlanden continues to add partners to promote running. This alliance also demonstrates the close relationship that the company has with running, as well as with sport and healthy habits. We want to be close to our customers to try to help them achieve their life goals, in the sports field, as in any objective they set for themselves".

For his part, Gorka Cabañas, Runnea's business director, assures that "we are very happy with this agreement and we will try to respond to all types of runners, from those who are just starting to run to the most experienced athletes. We share the same values with Nationale-Nederlanden in terms of helping the popular athlete to achieve their goals, whether it is to take care of themselves, improve their fitness or beat their best time".

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