Investing in a good night's sleep is investing in your future as a runner and the Loop Earplugs are designed to help you recover better

Investing in a good night's sleep is investing in your future as a runner and the Loop Earplugs are designed to help you recover better
Gorka Sedano
Gorka Sedano
Journalist and popular runner
Posted on 28-08-2024

As you well know, sleep is a very important component in the life of any person, but for runners, regardless of their physical condition, its importance is multiplied. Adequate rest not only allows the body to recover from physical exhaustion, but also prepares you as a runner to face new days of training and competition with renewed energy.

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In this RUNNEA Magazine article we explore how sleep directly influences the recovery and performance of runners, and introduce you to the innovative Loop Earplugs as an effective tool to optimize the quality of your sleep.

Sleep and its role in the runner's recovery phase

Sleep and its role in the runner's recovery phase

During sleep, the body enters a state of repair and rejuvenation. Sleep cycles, which include light, deep and REM sleep phases, are essential for muscle recovery and the maintenance of overall health.

According to Dr. Matthew Walker, author of "Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep", deep sleep is when most physical recovery occurs, allowing for tissue repair and the release of growth hormones.

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Scientific studies have shown that runners who get adequate sleep have a greater capacity for recovery and superior performance compared to those who suffer from sleep deprivation. Dr. Cheri Mah, a sleep medicine specialist at Stanford University, points out that even small improvements in sleep quantity and quality can translate into significant improvements in athletic performance.

Consequences of sleep deprivation in runners

Consequences of sleep deprivation in runners

Lack of sleep not only affects daily performance, but also increases the risk of injury and long-term health problems. Runners who do not get the recommended amount of sleep may experience:

  • Slower reaction times.
  • Lower endurance.
  • Inadequate muscle recovery.

A study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences found that sleep deprivation decreases the body's ability to metabolize lactic acid, which can lead to a buildup of fatigue and an increased risk of injury.

Best practices for restful sleep

To achieve restful sleep, it is essential to establish a consistent nighttime routine. Practicing meditation, gentle stretching and avoiding the use of electronic devices before bedtime are habits that can improve sleep quality. Maintaining a dark, cool and quiet bedroom is also crucial. In this regard, sleep medicine specialist Shelby Harris, M.D., recommends maintaining a room temperature between 15-19°C and using blackout curtains to block outside light.

In addition, nutrition plays a significant role, so you should apply the story, and modify your menu with:

  • Consuming foods rich in tryptophan, such as turkey and bananas, can help improve sleep quality.
  • Avoiding caffeine and alcohol consumption before bedtime is also important, as both can interfere with sleep cycles.

Gadgets to optimize sleep, the innovative proposal of Loop Earplugs

Gadgets to optimize sleep, the innovative approach of Loop Earplugs

Among the various gadgets designed to improve sleep, Loop Earplugs stand out for their effectiveness and comfort. These flexible silicone earplugs are designed to reduce ambient noise, allowing a deeper and uninterrupted sleep. In addition, it is a type of gadget that has the added valor that they are tested and approved according to EN and ANSI standards to offer you reliable and 100% safe protection.

Loop Earplugs use passive noise reduction technology that filters out annoying sounds while allowing in important sounds, such as alarms, for example. This means they don't block out as much noise as when you put on headphones.

Some of the RUNNEA TEAM constituents who have tried these Loop Earplugs report a noticeable improvement in the quality of their sleep. "Since I've been using Loop Earplugs, my nights are calmer and I wake up more rested," says Eider Fernandez, a popular multisport athlete. In addition, sleep experts, such as Dr. Chris Winter, author of "The Sleep Solution", recommend the use of earplugs for those who have difficulty maintaining uninterrupted sleep.

Compared to other devices, Loop Earplugs are an affordable and effective option. Unlike other devices or recurring sleep masks, Loop Earplugs are small, portable and easy to use, making them an indispensable tool for any runner looking to optimize their rest.

The must-have Loop Earplugs for runners, RUNNEA selection

RUNNEA recommends the following Loop Earplugs products to optimize your sleep and rest:

  • Loop Earplugs Quiet 2: its design is developed to sleep better, achieve a higher degree of relaxation and improve concentration.
  • Loop Earplugs Quiet 2 Plus: they favor a deeper sleep, and with their Loop Double Tips technology you will achieve a more powerful noise reduction level.
  • Loop Earplugs Engage 2: perfect for adapting to your more active and social lifestyle. Reduces everyday noise for clearer conversations.
  • Loop Earplugs Engage 2 Plus: improve on the performance of the first version, and include the Loop Mute function for extra noise reduction to suit the consumer.
  • Loop Earplugs Experience 2: the perfect earplugs for concerts and large events, offering a clearer and more secure sound.
  • Loop Earplugs Experience 2 Plus: the latest generation of earplugs that ensures the highest and most reliable hearing protection.

Scientific research between sleep and sports performance

Scientific research between sleep and sports performance

Numerous studies have investigated the relationship between sleep and sports performance. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine examined a group of runners, and found that those who slept at least 8 hours a night showed a significant improvement in their physical performance, including faster running times and greater endurance. The study also noted that lack of sleep increased perceived exertion, making workouts seem more difficult and less effective.

On the other hand, research from Stanford University, led by the aforementioned Dr. Cheri Mah, has shown that improving sleep quality can increase speed and accuracy in athletes. In fact, the object of the study were basketball players from the American university itself. Their definitive conclusions were that those who extended their sleep time to 10 hours at night improved notably in their free throws and sprints.

Why you should improve your sleep quality to achieve your sporting goals

Why should you improve your sleep quality to achieve your athletic goals?

With all that we have told you, there is no doubt that sleep is an essential component of your recovery and performance as a runner who is focused on achieving goals. Quality sleep allows for muscle repair, the release of essential hormones and the restoration of energy, indispensable factors for any type of athlete.

The incorporation of healthy habits such as a favorable night routine, an adequate sleeping environment and a balanced diet, together with the use of tools such as Loop Earplugs, can be the strategy to follow to guarantee your best sports performance.

We remind you that a good rest is the basis of a more effective training, and will help you to progress. Investing in a good night's sleep is investing in your future as a runner, you know that, don't you?

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Gorka Sedano

Gorka Sedano

Journalist and popular runner

Graduate in information sciences from the University of the Basque Country. Journalist by vocation and profession. They say that dreaming is free, but without perseverance, those dreams do not materialize. I am a popular runner, one of those who looks at the heart rate monitor to see the kilometers run rather than the time invested in running them. I am passionate about sports equipment.