Top4Running x Adidas Paris Challenge: the big race

Top4Running x Adidas Paris Challenge: the big race
Fred Urrutia
Fred Urrutia
Fred Urrutia
Posted on 09-08-2024

Today was the last day of the Top4Running x Adidas Paris Challenge, an event that has brought together runners of all levels throughout the week. After several days of "easy runs" along some of the most emblematic routes in Paris, today it was our turn to meet one last time. This time, not to jog, but to compete.

The atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation. We knew we would face one of the routes we had already run, but without knowing which one it would be until the last moment. We showed you everything on our social networks and, of course, on RUNNEA.

The big and last day of the challenge

The plan for the week era clear: complete 20 kilometers divided into four runs of 5 kilometers each. After three days of reconnaissance, today we faced the last leg, a race where everyone wanted to give their best. The starting point, as always, was the Top4Running store, located in the heart of Paris, near Les Halles. Between historic buildings and lively boulevards, it has always been a perfect place to start and finish our routes.

We arrived early and the Top4Running team had already marked a start and meta line right in front of the store. From 8am, people started to arrive, some with visible nerves, others just enjoying the atmosphere.

As in the previous days, Pau Capdevila, our coach and guthroughout the event, led a warm-up beforehand. First we did a light jog around Les Halles, followed by mobility exercises to prepare the body well for the race. Now ready and with our bodies activated, we anxiously awaited the announcement of the route.

Finally, we were told that the route chosen would be the second day's route, a fun and scenic run around the two islands that divide the Seine in the center of the city. This choice was well received by all, as it was the favorite of many.

The race: fast and competitive

Since this was an unofficial urban race, we had to be cautious of pedestrians and traffic. To avoid crowds, the start was organized in waves of 10 people, with 5 intervals between each group. This allowed each runner enough space to concentrate on their own performance.

Together with Amaia, who has been with me since day 1, it was our turn to start in the third group, accompanied by Pau Capdevila. At the starting signal, a small group of runners quickly separated from the rest. We knew that some of them had extraordinary personal bests, under 15 minutes for 5 kilometers, so era not surprising to see them take the lead. However, for many of us, this race era not just about speed, but about doing our best and enjoying the moment.

We passed landmarks like the Paris City Hall, crossed the last bridge on the Île Saint-Louis, and then changed direction as we reached the other side of the Seine. With Notre Dame behind us, we were already glimpsing the Pont Neuf, the last turn before heading towards the meta. The last 800 meters were intense!

When we arrived at the meta, right in front of the Top4Running store, we were greeted with applause and smiles. A corridor of people, friends and fellow runners, were waiting for us to celebrate.

A well-deserved post-race drink at Top4Running

After the race, the atmosphere relaxed and it was time to share laughs and celebrations. As a reward, breakfast awaited us at the Top4Running tent. The usual selection of croissants, napolitains and juices were present, but once again, the star was the coffee. Romain Wyndaele, the athlete and professional barista who had accompanied us yesterday, was there again to prepare us a selection of specialty coffees.

I opted to repeat my choice from the previous day: a flat white. The combination of a good dose of coffee with a smooth foam was perfect for a post-race recovery.

Adidas Boston 12: perfect for racing in comfort

For today's race, I decided to wear the Adidas Boston 12, a model that has been a best seller for the brand. These shoes are designed to provide a combination of lightness and support, which was clearly noticeable during the race.

The Boston 12 stands out for its Lightstrike Pro cushioning technology, which provides a responsive feel with every stride. This was particularly helpful in the faster sections of the race, where I needed to maintain a steady pace without feeling my legs give out. In addition, the ENERGYRODS 2.0 shanks in the outsole helped propel my stride, giving that extra push-off feel so necessary in a race.

Another feature I appreciated was the breathability of the upper, made of a lightweight yet durable material that kept my feet cool throughout the run. This, combined with the secure fit and heel support, allowed me to fully focus on my performance without worrying about discomfort or distractions.

Closing out the Top4Running x Adidas Paris Challenge

With the arrival of the last runners in the meta, the Top4Running x Adidas Paris Challenge officially came to an end. However, there was still one special moment left: the awards ceremony. The winners, one male and one female, would win a full set of Adidas gear and, most excitingly, a race bib and a trip to the Road to Records in Herzogenaurach, the Adidas headquarters in Germany, for next year.

Congratulations to Pau Capdevila, who completed the course in an impressive time of 14:17, and Sabrine Khattaf, who was the female winner with a time of 19:32. Both managed to maintain a great speed despite the challenges of running in a big city.

The challenge is over, but if you were left wanting more, we invite you to try to beat the times on the Strava segment we created for this run. Will you be able to beat our champions? You know, the starting point is right in front of the Top4Running store.

And if you want to see everything we've experienced this week, check out our Instagram.

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Fred Urrutia

Fred Urrutia

Fred Urrutia

Fred is a popular runner who simply loves to run. Born in Buenos Aires, he went to study in Paris to become a copywriter. He analyzes EVERYTHING. So it's not surprising that this great connoisseur of wines, coffees, teas and chocolates offers us subtle and exhaustive analyses of running shoes- a true sybarite runner!