How to train endurance and speed on the treadmill?

How to train endurance and speed on the treadmill?
Redacción RUNNEA Team
Posted on 12-07-2024

You land on these lines because you are at that point where you are looking to take your training plan to the next level, and your progress as a runner needs to transform that possible stagnation into motivation to follow that proper roadmap that will lead you to reach your next athletic goals.

Concepts such as endurance and speed not only have to resonate with you, but they have to be internalized in order to become a stronger, faster and more efficient runner. From RUNNEA we present you an alternative that, perhaps, until now, you have not considered: working endurance and speed on the treadmill.

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So what we tell you here may be of interest to you, because we give you the keys to take into account to adapt your running workouts on the treadmill. Of course, emphasizing those sections as relevant as endurance and speed. We also dare to give you a recommendation to get a treadmill, which stands out for its extraordinary quality and price ratio. A very interesting option for you to be able to move to the next level in the comfort of your own home, if you wish. Or in your trusted indoor center.

How to train resistance and speed on the treadmill

Let's talk about the strengths of a treadmill of the caliber of the Bodytone DT18+. One of the flagship models, for its high performance and modern design, of a reference brand in the sector such as Bodytone Do not lose detail!

Science supports the use of the treadmill for speed workouts

There are different studies and research that support the use of the treadmill as an effective tool to improve our speed and endurance.

Research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that speed training on a treadmill can significantly improve our running economy and speed capacity because we have the ability to precisely control and vary the speed and incline during our workouts.

Reference: Barnes, K. R., & Kilding, A. E. (2015). Running economy: measurement, norms, and determining factors. Sports Medicine - Open, 1(1), 1-15.

A study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences compared treadmill training with training on outdoor surfaces. They found that treadmills, when properly adjusted (e.g., with a slight 1% incline to simulate air resistance), can effectively replicate libre running conditions.

Reference: Jones, A. M., & Doust, J. H. (1996). A comparison of three-dimensional kinematic characteristics of treadmill and overground running. Journal of Sports Sciences, 14(4), 287-293.

Finally, an article published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research examined the effects of high-intensity interval trainingHIIT) on the treadmill. The results showed significant improvements in aerobic capacity and running speed compared to moderate-intensity continuous training.

Reference: Gosselin, L. E., Kozlowski, K. F., DeVinney-Boymel, L., & Hambridge, C. (2012). Metabolic response of different high-intensity aerobic interval exercise protocols. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26(10), 2866-2871.

Keys to adapting running sessions to your treadmill plan.

The great thing about running is variety. When we talk about variety, we mean that you have it in your own hands to make sure that no two workouts are the same. In addition, the different types and forms of workouts you can do will help you break the monotony, keep all your muscles toned, have fun and be more motivated. Complementing, not replacing, your libre running sessions with a treadmill routine will also bring you benefits, even though the running action is the same on the treadmill as libre.

In fact, the main advantage of treadmill training is that the stress on your muscles is not the same as on the asphalt. Especially on legs and knees, because the impact is lower. A perfect section for those recovery runs after training and/or demanding competitions, for example.

Here are some of these benefits:

  • Strengthen muscles and tendons.
  • Lose weight.
  • Improve cardiovascular health.
  • Maintain motivation, because some models allow you to simulate the competition in real time.
  • Total control of training parameters.
  • Develop running cadence.
  • Run with a higher level of safety.

How to train endurance and speed on the treadmill

How to train endurance and speed on the treadmill?

Given the advantages, there are also a number of guidelines to keep in mind when getting on the treadmill to make your training more effective. Our RUNNEA trainers advise you to keep the following points in mind:

Playing with inclines

The different levels of incline that treadmills bring with them will allow you to work more specifically all your muscles to strengthen them, while increasing the amount of calories burned, and of course you also generate more efficiency in your movements. That is, they contribute to a significant improvement in your endurance as a runner.

Playing with speeds

The combination of these inclines and the different speeds of the treadmill is the right formula to increase or decrease the degree of demand of each of your workouts. Always be smart, and adapt this demand to your current physical condition to avoid major evils such as overtraining.

Moreover, the good thing about the treadmill is that you have the possibility of adjusting the pace of training gradually. This means that you can perform different types of training: long runs, sprints, hills and interval training, among others. All this while minimizing the risk of possible injury.

How to train endurance and speed on the treadmill

Temperature and hydration

Believe it or not, this is a very relevant section. We are talking about indoor training, so, just like when you go libre, the importance of drinking fluids before, during and after training is vital to stay well hydrated to replenish all the electrolyte loss and energy expenditure involved in running on the treadmill. Even more so, considering that the temperature of an enclosed space is higher than running outside.

Running technique

In relation to the different types of training that you can carry out on the treadmill, running technique is another of the sections to be highlighted. It is true that there are small biomechanical differences between running on the street and running on the treadmill: surface stiffness, air resistance, or even the perception of speed itself, among other variables that affect our running technique.

However, do not discard the option of training on the treadmill as a method to improve your running technique, because you will work more efficiently on stride frequency and braking. A detail that will help you run with proper postural hygiene, improving both coordination and agility.

In short, treadmill training will allow you to effectively manage both speed and workloads with more personalized workouts. Workouts that you can perform either with the predefined profiles of the treadmill, or through the connectivity of different applications and training platforms. Always focused on the objective to be achieved.

Bodytone DT18+, RUNNEA's recommendation for your workouts

We are aware that with so much choice on the market it is difficult to find the right treadmill. Thus, the binomial quality and price are well reflected in the Bodytone DT18+ treadmill. An option that stands out for its high performance, comfort - large running surface of 130x45 cm - and design. Of course, also for its quality and price ratio.

By the way, two very relevant details of this Bodytone DT18+ treadmill. On the one hand, the incorporation of the exclusive REACT technology, which favors a better adaptation of the footprint, providing more comfort and stability in each stride. And on the other hand, its compatibility with training applications such as the well-known Zwift and Kinomap, among others. Everything you need to get the most out of each of your workouts!

Technical features of the Bodytone DT18+ treadmill

  • 20 hours of use per week.
  • Dimensions: 180 x 76 x 135 cm (folded machine 135 x 76 x 135 cm).
  • Plug & Train® system: machine pre-assembled and easy to install.
  • Powerful motor with a power of approximately 35 HP DC.
  • Maximum speed of about 18 km/h with electronic regulation of 18 positions.
  • Self-lubricating Belt System: consisting of an anti-static mat that eliminates electric shocks on the body and self-lubricating, which ensures a longer life of the motor.
  • It allows to connect via Bluetooth with android and IOS devices and send or receive data from the workout session in real time to applications such as Zwift, MyBodytone, Kinomap.
  • LCD display.
  • Built-in heart rate sensors.
  • Built-in High Definitionspeakers, MP3 connection.
  • SPACE-SAVE system: automatic folding by hydraulic cylinder to save space at home.

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