How much and how do we need to run, in order to lose weight?

Iván Vila
Passionate about sports
Posted on 08-04-2024

The benefits of running are multiple, all of us who like to run are aware of it. Running, or any other sporting activity, helps us to improve in many aspects, such as our cardiovascular health, mood, sharing experiences with our friends and many more... among them... becoming an effective tool for weight loss .

Research such as the study published in the journal "Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise" in 2014 by Willis et al. has shown that running can be an effective strategy for weight loss, especially when combined with a proper diet.

The key to running becoming a powerful tool for us to lose weight in an effective and healthy way is that we have to approach it through a series of strategies to get the maximum possible benefit, but don't worry, we will explain them all in this article.

The relationship between running and weight loss is fundamentally a question of energy balance. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit, which means consuming fewer calories than you burn. Running is an effective way to burn calories and create this deficit, which can lead to weight loss.

There is no specific amount of time we need to go running in order to lose weight, as it depends on multiple factors, such as our weight, motivations, the time we have, our physical condition, etc... In any case, it is very important and fundamental to do physical activity daily and gradually increase the time and intensity if we want to lose weight.

The study "Obesity", published in Obesity: The Journal of The Obesity Society, concluded that running for 30 minutes, three times a week, reduces our appetite.

Effective strategies to lose weight through running

Running can be an effective strategy to lose weight, but it must always be done in an intelligent and balanced way. Below we will explain some strategies to achieve it, but we always recommend you to consult a doctor or a health professional if we have any pathology or previous diseases.

The importance of intensity

According to research conducted at McMaster University in Canada has shown that focusing on the intensity of our running workouts can be a crucial element in weight loss.

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Instead of simply running long distances at a moderate pace (which are also recommended) we need to incorporate high intensity intervals into our running routines.

Series or fartleks workouts that are based on intervals where periods of maximum effort and recovery periods alternate, which increases calorie burning and stimulates our metabolism, even after we have finished running, are part of an effective strategy to reduce our weight.

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Variation in the type of training

The combination of different types of training, even varying also the terrain, with sessions on asphalt and in the mountains, and with different intensities, will increase the effectiveness for weight loss because we will avoid that our body always adapts to the same routines.

Combining hill sessions with series on asphalt, training on trails or forest tracks at easy paces with series or intensity sessions, long distance training with shorter but more intense workouts, can be some examples. Variety in our workouts will force our body to react differently and will also keep our motivation to continue with the goal of losing weight.

According to a study conducted in 2017 by Alonso Fernandez and collaborators analyzed the difference of implementing extensive continuous training versus intense training in the form of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), performing 60 sessions in the first case and 20 to 25 minutes in the second. What was the final result? That both types of training are valid for the improvement of body composition, finding similar values in terms of weight loss and body fat percentage.

Incorporating strength training

Strength sessions in the gym are always forgotten when we prepare for our running challenges and, in case that our goal is weight loss, we must also incorporate them.

Will gaining muscle help us lose weight? The answer is clear, yes. By strengthening our muscles we will gain lean muscle mass, this muscle mass burns a greater number of calories at rest than fat, having stronger muscles will increase our basal metabolism and contribute to weight loss in the long term.

To gain muscle mass it is not necessary or mandatory to go to the gym, although it is recommended since we have at our disposal weights and specialized machines, but from home we can also perform strength exercises such as squats or push-ups among other exercises.

Knowing our body

The process of losing weight through running is neither quick nor easy, quite the contrary, so it is very important to pay attention to the signals our body sends us while we run.

If we experience pain or excessive fatigue, we need to reduce the intensity or duration of our workouts and make sure we give our body the time it needs to recover properly, which is critical to success. We need to be aware that rest is also part of the strategy, as it is crucial to avoid injury and maintain steady progress in our weight loss program.

And besides running... the importance of good nutrition

Weight loss will not be achieved solely through running and the strategies we have discussed above, it is essential and just as important to combine physical exercise with a balanced and healthy diet that includes a variety of nutritious foods.

Nutrition also plays a crucial role. A balanced, calorie-adequate diet is critical to support weight loss goals. It is important to eat carbohydrate sources based on our physical activity, include plenty of fruits and vegetables, protein servings appropriate to our weight and exercise, and not forgetting healthy fats.

We have seen that running is one of the main tools to lose weight, but not the only one, and it must always be accompanied by good and healthy lifestyle habits to achieve that long-awaited goal of reducing weight, now it is in your hands... Run towards your goals with intelligence and determination!


Willis, L. H., Slentz, C. A., Bateman, L. A., et al. (2014). Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 465), 881-889.

Gibala, M. J., & McGee, S. L. (2008). Metabolic adaptations to short-term high-intensity interval training: a little pain for a lot of gain? Exercise and sport sciences reviews, 362), 58-63.

Alonso-Fernández, D., Fernández-Rodríguez, R., & Gutiérrez-Sánchez, A. (2017). Effect of a HIIT programme vs. Extensive Continuous Training on Inexperienced Individuals. Apunts. Physical Education and Sports, 130, 84-94.


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