Muscle unloading massages on the legs: when and why a calf unloading massage is good if you like running

Muscle unloading massages on the legs: when and why a calf unloading massage is good if you like running
Daniel Garcia
Daniel Garcia
Fisioterapeuta y runner empedernido
Posted on 31-05-2024

When the season of sporting events begins, countless runners come to consult a physiotherapist who wants a leg massage before the competition. Although the physiotherapist will surely advise you when is the best time to do it, it is important that you know as a runner when it is more convenient and what we are going to get with this treatment.

Why and what are we going to achieve with a good unloading massage?

Why and what are we going to get with a good unloading massage?

An unloading massage is a therapeutic technique used either to release accumulated tension in the muscles after intense physical activity or to prepare the muscles before a sporting event and get the most out of training.

This type of massage is characterized by being deep and focused on specific areas of the body that have been subjected to excessive effort, such as after an intense training session, a popular race or after having spent a long time in a static position. Although it is usually applied throughout the body, this time we will focus on the benefits and specific techniques to receive a massage of discharge in the legs, as they are one of the areas of the body most prone to muscle tension and injury, especially in people who practice high-intensity physical activities such as running, as it is the anatomical area that runners are subjected to more fatigue and overload.

The main objective of this type of massage is to accelerate the muscular recovery process and improve physical performance.

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The benefits of an unloading massage are multiple and go beyond simple relaxation. First, this type of massage helps to improve muscle flexibility and mobility, which translates into better execution of movements and a reduced likelihood of injury. By increasing blood and lymphatic circulation, it promotes the elimination of toxins and the regeneration of muscle tissue, which speeds up the recovery process after intense activity.

On the other hand, an unloading massage helps to reduce inflammation and muscle pain, which allows the athlete to recover more quickly and return to physical activity in less time. Likewise, this type of massage has a relaxing and calming effect on the nervous system, which helps to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality and promote a general sense of well-being.

This type of massage also has a positive impact on mood and emotional health, helping to improve the quality of life of those who receive it.

A well-executed unloading massage is a fundamental tool to optimize physical performance, accelerate muscle recovery and prevent injuries in athletes.

How is an unloading massage performed on the legs

How is an unloading massage on the legs performed?

When performing it, the physiotherapist uses a variety of manual techniques, such as pressure, friction, kneading and stretching, in order to decontract the muscles and relieve accumulated tension. It is important to note that this type of massage should be performed by a professional with experience in the area, since a bad massage could worsen the situation and cause injury. In addition, when performing a massage, a series of contraindications must be considered, such as:

  • Do not perform a discharge massage on the legs in case of having open wounds or burns in the area to be treated, since the massage could worsen the injury or be painful for the person.
  • People with severe blood circulation problems, such as deep vein thrombosis, phlebitis or chronic venous insufficiency, should consult a physician before receiving a leg massage, as it could cause complications.
  • In cases of acute inflammation, such as a recent injury, a leg massage should not be performed as it may worsen the inflammation and cause more discomfort.
  • If the person has an active skin disease in the area to be treated, such as dermatitis, skin infections or eczema, a leg massage should not be performed as it may worsen the condition.

Now, when is the best time to receive the unloading massage

Now, when is the best time to have a leg massage?

After working for 7 years as a physiotherapist in the soccer club of my city, we came to the conclusion, as in most sports teams, that the best time to receive this type of massage are in the recovery sessions the day after the competition, where not only the massage is performed, but also can be complemented with other types of therapies such as cold contrast baths. We called it "the day of bath and massage".

If you are a runner, it is convenient that you know how to schedule a massage session, depending on:

  • The physical activity you do,
  • The intensity of your training.
  • The state of your muscles.
  • Your own physical condition.

Here are some recommendations on when it is convenient to schedule an unloading massage and what is the best time to do it:

How is an unloading massage performed on the legs? - After an intense physical activity

After intense physical activity.

A good time to receive an unloading massage is after an intense physical activity, such as a sports competition, a demanding training session or any activity that has put significant stress on the muscles. At this time, the muscles are often fatigued, contracted and with toxin build-up, so an unloading massage can help relieve tension and speed recovery.

Here the massage will be deeper with slower movements and more time will be spent on the most contracted or overloaded areas. After this type of massage, as a general rule, there are usually small post-massage sequelae in the form of stiffness. After the massage we recommend stretching the muscles that have been treated.

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Just before a competition or sporting event

On this occasion, the massage is also beneficial if the athlete suffers from any overload or discomfort that conditions performance. In this case the unloading massage will be more gentle with quick movements and focused on warming up the muscles as it can help prepare the body for physical activity, improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

What we are NOT interested in before a big effort is to lower the muscle tone, as there would be more chance of injury during the effort. With this massage before a competition, we increase the blood flow and the temperature of the muscle.

As part of the training routine

Integrating unloading massage on a regular basis into your training routine can be beneficial for maintaining muscle health, preventing injury and improving performance. In this case, it is advisable to schedule massages on rest days or low intensity training days to allow the muscles to recover and respond optimally to the massage.

After the massage, it is always advisable to stay hydrated, allow the body to rest and recover properly.

Unloading massage as an effective therapeutic tool

Unloading massage as an effective therapeutic tool

Regarding the prices of a massage session can vary depending on the physiotherapy clinic, the province and the specialist. In our center in particular, the physiotherapy consultation varies between 45 and 50 EUR. In our center, we usually complement this treatment with 30 minutes of pressotherapy that perfectly complements the massage and helps us to improve the benefits of this treatment.

In summary, the unloading massage is an effective therapeutic tool to relieve muscle tension, accelerate recovery and improve physical performance. Receiving an unloading massage focused on the legs can provide numerous benefits for muscle health, blood circulation and injury prevention. By following the proper techniques and recommendations, it is possible to enjoy the therapeutic effects of this type of massage and promote the recovery and well-being of the legs.

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Daniel Garcia

Daniel Garcia

Fisioterapeuta y runner empedernido

Physiotherapist by profession. Fortunate to work surrounded by people who love sports and want to set themselves new challenges. Discreet, constant and disciplined. Diesel runner and mountain enthusiast. You can find me at

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