Sports massage: 3 reasons why you should get an unloading massage if you run

Daniel Garcia
Fisioterapeuta y runner empedernido
Posted on 08-10-2024

It is very common for runners to finally end up lying on the stretcher of our trusted physiologist when we have been dragging a few days of discomfort, when the legs have been screaming for a little attention or, in the worst case, when we have, or at least we can sense it, an injury.

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Sometimes we do not give enough importance to some of the parts of our preparation, what is often called the invisible or hidden training: hydration, nutrition, rest ... and in this part we could include the unloading massage, from a preventive and recuperative point of view.

The ideal would be to receive one every fifteen days or at least once a month but the reality of everyday life with the shortage or incompatibility of schedules (ours and / or the therapist's) and even the economic cost makes us, in most cases, postpone or discard it. We care about taking care of our material, especially running shoes, having in most cases several models that fit our characteristics, type of tread, weight, training rhythms, etc ... being aware of the importance they have not only on our performance but on the possible negative consequences of inadequate footwear for running... and that also involves an economic outlay.

Each of us has to evaluate and weigh, always subject to the circumstances mentioned above, when and how often to go to the stretcher and for this we will try to clarify the classic doubts that we may have, answering three questions: Why, When and How? As well as a specific section on self-treatment.

1- Why? What are we going to achieve with a good unloading massage?

A good massage acts not only at the muscular level, but also at the level of the circulatory system, the nervous system and even the respiratory system. That is, the unloading massage promotes blood and lymphatic circulation, which helps to eliminate toxins and metabolic waste that may be accumulated in the muscle tissues. This facilitates the recovery of damaged tissues and accelerates the healing or recovery process.

Another important benefit of off-loading massage is that it helps reduce pain and inflammation, thanks to the release of endorphins and improved blood circulation. This allows the runner to regain mobility and functionality, relieving discomfort.

Unloading massage applied to runners

In the specific case of runners, who subject their muscles to repetitive and prolonged stress during the practice of this endurance sport, massage is presented as a key tool to optimize recovery and maintenance of muscle health.

Massage also increases blood circulation in the treated areas, resulting in increased oxygenation of muscle tissues and more efficient elimination of metabolic waste accumulated during exercise. This improved blood flow helps accelerate the post-workout recovery process, reducing inflammation and muscle soreness associated with intense physical exertion. In addition, massage promotes flexibility and range of motion in the joints, which is essential to prevent injuries due to lack of elasticity or muscle stiffness.

For all these reasons and many more, it is an effective way to prevent injuries, tune up our muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints and optimize our performance. It should be part of our routine along with training sessions, stretching, rest, nutrition and hydration as its effects will add and complement those of the training itself.

And remember, very important, that the benefits will begin at the very moment the massage begins and will continue, even if we do not perceive it, in the following hours and even days.

2- When is the best time to receive the unloading massage?

Although it may seem strange, just after a race or training, especially if it has been demanding, our muscles are excited, sore and even inflamed so it is not advisable to receive it in that situation.

After a few hours, or better yet, a day of rest, comes the most appropriate and recommended time to be treated. If we also rest the day after the massage or if the training is soft (this would be ideal), we will rule out the possibility that the decrease in muscle tone as a result of the manipulation may become a negative factor.

3- How? should it be received only on the legs?

It is advisable not to limit it to the legs, even if they are the main objective. Runners also suffer a lot in the gluteal area and in the entire lumbar region .

It is frequent that we have that part of the body very stiff after training and that we remain equally tense for the rest of the day.

In addition, this stiffness or discomfort can be accentuated by work postures or other activities that we do in our daily lives such as carrying weights, driving, etc ... often reaching the dorsal and cervical part that may need to be reviewed as well.

In any case, our unloading massage session should end with a series of joint mobilizations and stretching of the manipulated muscle groups, thus completing it and contributing to optimizing the desired results.

4- Self-treatment of the unloading massage with Foam Rollers

For one reason or another, it is true that it is difficult to visit a qualified physiotherapist specialized in this area. Although the first recommendation is to put yourself in the hands of a professional, the possibility of using rollers and Foam Rollers is there, and they can help us to get out of the way, but never as a substitute therapy.

Foam Rollers are useful tools used for self-massage at home to provide relief from muscle tension and improve flexibility. These tools, which can be found in specialty sports and fitness stores, are designed to apply pressure to specific points on the body and help release muscle contractures and tension.

When performing self-massage with rollers or Foam Rollers, it is important to consider proper technique to maximize benefits and prevent injury. It is recommended to start with slow, gentle movements, gradually applying pressure to areas of tension. It is important to breathe deeply and relax during self-massage to allow the muscles to relax and release accumulated tension.

Self-massage with these tools is an effective form of self-care that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. It can be performed as a warm-up or after physical activity, or even at times of rest to keep muscles in optimal condition and promote muscle recovery.

Self-massage with rollers and Foam Rollers is an accessible and effective practice for relieving muscle tension and improving overall health and wellness. With proper technique and consistency in their application, these tools can be valuable allies to care for and strengthen the body at home.

Video on RUNNEAtv: Self-massage for quadriceps unloading

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The unloading massage is presented as an effective and complementary therapeutic strategy in the care of runners, allowing them to maintain an optimal state of muscular health, prevent common injuries in this sports group and improve their physical performance in the long term. By combining massage techniques appropriate to the specific needs of runners, it is possible to maximize the benefits of this manual therapy and enhance the results in sports practice.

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