Kilian Jornet takes his eleventh victoria in Zegama Aizkorri 2024 with Sylvia Nordskar

Kilian Jornet takes his eleventh victoria in Zegama Aizkorri 2024 with Sylvia Nordskar
Mikel Bejarano
Mikel Bejarano
Journalist and inveterate trail runner
Posted on 26-05-2024

The world's most important and emblematic trail running marathon, the Zegama Aizkorri, took place on Sunday, May 26, 2024, a day on which all eyes were on the small town in Guipuzcoa, which saw Kilian Jornet triumph for the eleventh time, with the second best time in history. But the Catalan was not alone, as the 2024 edition crowned Sylvia Nordskar as the winner in the women's category.

The 42,195 meters of the Zegama Aizkorri 2024, with around 2,700 meters of positive elevation gain, were once again the perfect setting for Kilian Jornet , who enjoyed a new victoria, his eleventh, in what is already considered his second home. A race in which he was practically unrivaled from the start, reaching the magical slope of Sancti Spiritu almost 3 minutes ahead of his closest pursuers, and being, for much of the race, under record time. Finally he reached the meta in 3 hours 38 minutes and 8 seconds, without record, but with the second best time in the history of the Zegama Aizkorri under his arm.

Zegama Aizkorri 2024: Kilian

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Meanwhile, in the women's category, the big winner was the Norwegian Sylvia Nordskar. In the unexpected and sad absence of Sara Alonso due to last minute medical problems, the HOKA runner, who recently left her job to settle in Chamonix and dedicate herself entirely to trail running, managed to be the protagonist in a day that we are sure she will never forget. She stopped the clock in 4 hours 29 minutes 12 seconds, far from Nienke 's stratospheric record in 2022, but enough to proclaim herself queen of her category in this year's edition.

Zegama Aizkorri 2024: Sylvia

In addition to the great protagonists of the day, the men's field was closed with the presence of the Moroccan, also NNormal runner, Elhousine Elazzaoui, who finished in second place with a time of 3h:46:15, more than 8 minutes behind the Catalan. After him, Bartlomiej Przedwojewski closed the podium with his 3h:46:55 in a top 5 that included the Italian Luca del Pero and his 3h:47:26 and last year's winner, Manuel Merillas who with his 3h:47:40 rounded off a fifth place that we are sure will taste little to him.

On the other hand, the women's category ended with the second place of Malen Osa, who signed a more than meritorious 4h:35:19 to get on the podium for the first time, in her first participation in the Zegama Aizkorri 2024. After her, another national runner, Marta Martínez Abellán, rounded off a dream trio thanks to a time of 4h:35:39, just 20 seconds behind the Basque runner. The quintet was closed by Theres Leboeuf with a time of 4h:36:16 in fourth place and Lide Urrestarazu with 4h:37:20 in fifth place.

Zegama Aizkorri 2024: Celebration


Classification and results of the Zegama Aizkorri 2024, with the meta times of the first runners.

Men's ranking

  1. Killian Jornet - 3h:38:08
  2. Elhousine Elazzaoui - 3h:46:15
  3. Bartlomiej Przedwojewski - 3h:46:55
  4. Luca del Pero - 3h:47:26
  5. Manuel Merillas - 3h:47:40

Zegama Aizkorri 2024: Top5 men

Women's classification

  1. Sylvia Nordskar - 4h:29:12
  2. Malen Osa - 4h:35:19
  3. Marta Martínez Abellán - 4h:35:39
  4. Theres Leboeuf - 4h:36:16
  5. Lide Urrestarazu - 4h:37:20

Zegama Aizkorri 2024: Top5 female


The Zegama Aizkorri 2024 could be followed live online through the official YouTube channel of Zegama Aizkorri with a continuous broadcast from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm, with commentary by Albert Jorquera and Aitor Elduaien, as well as in different connections on Teledeporte, EiTB and Esport 3 channels.


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Mikel Bejarano

Mikel Bejarano

Journalist and inveterate trail runner

An Alexander Supertramp from '96. With the same passion for literature as for nature, my adventurous soul seeks to merge the most beautiful aspects of journalism with the most addictive aspects of mountain trail running. Traveling the world with my camera and my shoes, a dream come true. Enjoying every minute and squeezing my two great passions. Without the need to achieve great feats, but with a whole future ahead to reach my personal summits, I define myself as a constant, happy and insatiable worker with the desire to continue accumulating miles of travel, mountain and life, now with Runnea.